Jarabacoa Women’s Cooperative

Moments before


I thought I was in shape! I never really understood 300 steps until this trip

I had no idea what I was about to experience

I had never slept under a net before

DR Alarm Clock! 2:00 am? What??

Streets of the City

Sounds of the City (Unwanted Critter)

Another day in their life

The river was beautiful.

I enjoyed getting to know the group and hearing the stories

I tried this but, this old body is not what it was once before!

I was amazed by what these people had done with the very limited resources they had. Touring the farm was my one of my favorite parts of the visit. Brought back my Agriculture teaching day memories.

I will never forget the nice flat hike to the waterfall.

My room mates.

We made it! An experience I will never forget.

We are out of here!

Short Delay! I never thought they would push this bus out of the mud.

After two days with no service!!!!!!