Hotel Europe/Santo Domingo

I can honestly say that our first hotel was not what I expected. I guess I was thinking more of a typical American style. It was an experience to stay in a room overlooking a very small and busy street. It reminded me of what I think life in New York City may be like but, very poverty stricken. I enjoyed seeing and hearing about the history of Santo Domingo.

The streets were so quite when we arrived. I had no idea that they would be so loud and crowded later in the evening and night.

Our time on the roof was very educational. Listening to the stories from JoaQuin or just hanging out talking to the group was great. It was my first chance to get to know everyone.

I thought their trash collection methods were horrible. It made the streets look so dirty. 

My first impression was not good because the area looked so run down but, I understand now that it was their way of preserving history.

Awesome work and craftsmanship from many years ago amazed me. 

The tour guide was just too funny. I enjoyed the tour even though the humidity was tougher on me than I wanted to admit.


I was surprised to see so many reminders of home. Not the typical Denny's that we see in the USA but.....

My first experience of touring a  museum that I had to depend on a audio tape to interpret what I saw. Very nice and organized

The technology used for this part of the exhibit was very interesting. 

I had never seen a church so beautiful. 

Great first two days

Runaway Bus!